When You Lied


Seeking people willing to talk with me (and be recorded) about lies you've told. I'm looking for complete openness and honesty about how you've lied to others, and why you think you did it. I'll use these as examples in my book and to provide empathy and inspiration for others who may find themselves in similar circumstances.

I'd like to take about 30 minutes to understand your experience.


As thanks, I'll give you a digital copy of the book when it's finished, and I'll include your name (whatever name you choose, or even "anonymous") in the final thank-you pages shouting out to people who have helped make the book and project possible (including people who have pre-ordered).

Of course, I'm happy to answer any questions about this process here in the comments or via direct message. *smiles*


LIVE WRITE: When (Not if) They Lie

Liar, Liar 👖ON 🔥! 

They're gonna lie.

That's not a question. The question is "What are YOU gonna do about it?"
That's the question I hope to help you answer in When (not if) They Lie: Lies and lying in relationships. Why it happens, what to do about it, and how to still live a life full of love and trust.
When (not if) They Lie: Lies and lying in relationships. Why it happens, what to do about it, and how to still live a life full of love and trust.
Join me in the LIVE Write! 
The Table of Contents (working):
  • Front Content 
  •  The Effect of (some) Lies in Relationships 
  •  Types of Liars 
  •  Five (and a half) Kinds of Lies (and More) 
  •  Why People Lie 
  •  When is it OK to Lie? 
  •  Handling Lies in Your Relationships 
  •  Can You Stop Lying? 
  •  End Content 
I loved writing Take No Sh*t! In front of an audience. Having discussions daily, learning from your experiences, answering your questions, and getting feedback on where I wasn't clear was invaluable.
I'm doing the same thing now with my other book projects.

This time, I'm just asking ONE favor:
When the book is out in digital format on Amazon, that you buy it for 99¢ and give it an honest review.

That's it.

Less than a dollar (or slightly more, if Amazon charges sales tax in your state) for access to the book as it's being written, for a chance to ask your questions and get them answered, and more.

(This book will likely retail for about $2.99.)

So, if you're willing to commit to purchasing from Amazon and reviewing when I release it, click the link below and join me for the Live Write of When (not if) They Lie: Lies and lying in relationships. Why it happens, what to do about it, and how to still live a life full of love and trust.