I'm working on a book about lying in relationships!

When (not if) They Lie

Why it happens, what to do about it, and how to still live a life full of love and trust.

Hello! I'm Nookie

Table of Contents (working)

  • The Effect of (some) Lies in Relationships

  • Types of Liars

  • Five (and a half) Kinds of Lies (and More)

  • Why People Lie

  • When is it OK to Lie?

  • Handling Lies in Your Relationships

  • Can You Stop Lying?

  • And more...


Well, because when I was writing the chapter in Take No Sh*t about Emotional Boundaries around lying in relationships, and the chapter was 8,767 words long, and I wasn't done, I realized that I had a book to write.

So, I edited that chapter down, and I started a new project.

You see, there will never ever be a relationship without lies, and I believe that even knowing that our dearest will at some point lie to us, we can still live lives full of love and trust and create amazing healthy relationships—by understanding lies and lying, the reasons we do it, and knowing the difference between lies and betrayals for ourselves.

When YOU Lied...

I'm also seeking people willing to talk with me (and be recorded) about lies you've told. I'm looking for complete openness and honesty about how you've lied to others, and why you think you did it.


I'd like to take about 30 minutes to understand your experience.


You will be kept COMPLETELY anonymous.

I will share parts of the interviews in written or audio-only format, totally anonymized, on social media and in my book.


As thanks, I'll give you a digital copy of the book when it's finished, and I'll include your name (whatever name you choose, or even "anonymous") in the final thank-you pages shouting out to people who have helped make the book and project possible (including people who have pre-ordered).

Schedule below, or if you have questions, please reach out.


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