Media Assets & Ideas

Welcome media! smiles

I've created this page for you to have access to bios of various lengths and focus, photos with different looks, and ideas on the various topics I speak confidently and entertainingly on, so you have a good start with what you need.

Some ideas apply to multiple topics, and are repeated.

Of course, if you want or need more, please reach out! Message me wherever we connected originally, or use the chat on this page to contact us. I or Selene, The World's Worst Assistant™ will be happy to help you.

Choose from what I do to find the assets and ideas for that topic.

Take No Sh*t Book & Workshop

In September of 2023, my book Take No Sh*t! Build better relationships through discovering, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in three (sometimes five) simple steps. was released and made the Amazon best seller list for a day.

When it comes to boundaries, there is so much more to talk about than just boundaries.
Boundaries touch on every aspect of our lives.

I like to think that my take on boundaries is not only empowering and uplifting, but refreshing, fun, and makes for good conversation. That's why I've put together this list for you, so you can be inspired by some of the ways that boundaries can be presented and discussed that isn't
just about boundaries. smiles

Image Assets for Take No Sh*t


  • What no-one tells you about setting boundaries...

  • Boundaries: Your personal sh*t shield. It's not your fault!

  • Most people have craptaculous boundaries. Here's what you can do about it.

  • Boundaries' Companion: Fulfillment Points

  • Boundaries are Sexy AF!

  • What is YOU in a relationship? (A Basic Primer on Relationship Boundaries)

  • Boundaries are NOT: Common mistakes in boundary-ing.

  • If it's worth doing, it's worth totally forking up!(Building Better Boundaries)

  • Boundaries! In three (sometimes five) simple steps.

  • Fickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me, Too: Making boundaries stick.

  • Thou shall not pass! Enforcing Boundaries

  • How We Stomp Our Own Boundaries Before They Can (Internal/External Boundary Breaks)

Boundaries & Consent

  • Why didn't YOU Take No For An Answer?

  • "You used to be so nice." How people use guilt and shame to erode your boundaries (and what to do about it!)

  • When They Lose Their 'Shut The Front Door"

  • Stop Oversharing: Have the RIGHT conversations at the right times. Do you violate your own consent?

Boundaries In Mental Health & Wellness

  • Who do you allow to touch your mind?

  • The Prime Directive: Boundaries in (all of your) Relationships

  • Trust More Not Less! Boundaries are the foundation.

  • If it's worth doing, it's worth totally forking up! (Building Better Boundaries)

  • What IS toxic, anyway?

  • "You used to be so nice." How people use guilt and shame to erode your boundaries (and what to do about it!)

  • If you live for their acceptance...

  • YES, you can have too many friends.

  • Whatever you are not changing...

  • Redirection, Not Rejection

  • The Empath and the Narcissist: A Tragedy Rewritten By Boundaries

  • Gaslighting, Manipulation & Scunnery of the Worst Sorts.

  • Good Person Fatigue: It's Real, and You Might Have It

  • How We Stomp Our Own Boundaries Before They Can (Internal/External Boundary Breaks)

  • Put yourself first—without guilt!

  • No Regrets! How to live a life of no regrets.

  • The Empathy Trap

  • Get Rejected MORE Often (And Do It Right!)

  • They May Be Right: Doesn't Mean They Are Right FOR You.

  • “Do what feels right!” Yes, but…Do You TRUST You?

  • Have you ever wondered, “Am I being used?”

  • “Is it possible to have a healthy & fulfilling relationship with a narcissist?” You’re asking the wrong question!

Boundaries In Communication

  • What's wrong? —Nothing.— Ok. (Emotional Boundaries in Conversation)

  • Don't Say Boundary!

  • But WHY?!? How we use why to manipulate, undermine, and get what we want.

  • Redirection, Not Rejection

  • When (not if) they lie: Lies & Lying in Relationships

Boundaries In Sex, Kink, Nonmonogamy, & Other Alternative Lifestyles

  • Body Mapping: Sexual Boundaries for Couples

  • Seeking Adventure? Set healthy boundaries (singly or as a couple) before you do that thing.

  • Yes, No, Maybe: Prioritizing pleasure for BOTH of you.

  • So, what is cheating, anyway? How to have the important conversations about loyalty in your relationship.

  • So, what is kinky, anyway? How to have the important conversations about trying new things in your relationship.

  • "Not for me, thanks." How to navigate trying (and not trying) new things with your partner.

  • Talk Dirty To Me: How to respectfully and lovingly spice it up in the bedroom (even when you wanna hear something raunchy).

  • My Consent Comes First. Always

  • Descriptive & Prescriptive: Relationship conversations in nonmonogamy.

  • The Veto: Or how wrong most polyamory groups get this.Ethical and consensual applies to your hookups, too!

  • Nonmonogamy: I do what I want.

  • Is it worth ____ for?

  • When the sex dies… (healthy ways to revive it)

  • Baby Steps into Slutty Sex for Couples

  • The BEST Rules for Nonmonogamy: The five (and a bonus) rules to set together for your new relationship style

Boundaries In Relationships & Love

  • The Ultimatum: How stating boundaries with consequences cripples our relationships.

  • The Sweet Spot: A radical new way to look at love and co-creating your most amazing relationship yet

  • Do you want to kick a puppy?

  • Love Bombing: What if it's not at all what you think and it's actually pretty easy to resist?

  • Stop Begging! Get what you want and need in your relationships.

  • You don't own me. Healthy boundaries in relationships

  • Need or Needy? Healthy boundaries are the answer

  • The Prime Directive: Boundaries in Relationships

  • Filling Each Other Up: Creating a relationship of abundance.

  • Well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions! Healthy boundaries in relationships.

  • What is YOU in a relationship? (A Basic Primer on Relationship Boundaries)

  • What IS toxic, anyway?

  • Covert Contracts are Ruining Your Relationships!

  • What are your noncompromiseables?

  • Boundaries AFTER the Breakup

  • When (not if) they lie: Lies & Lying in Relationships

  • Negotiation: A powerful tool for happy and healthy relationships

  • LCP (Low Conflict People) In Relationships

  • The Empath and the Narcissist: A Tragedy Rewritten By Boundaries

  • Breaking the Control-Or-Be-Controlled Relationship Cycle

  • The Slippery Slope of Compromise
    (and A Better Option)

  • Emotional Intimacy & Boundaries: How to get it just right.

  • Have you ever wondered, “Am I being used?”“

  • "Is it possible to have a healthy & fulfilling relationship with a narcissist?” You’re asking the wrong question!

  • Are you really terrible at relationships, or do you just sleep with assholes?

  • The subtle control of disapproval…

Boundaries In Work, Business & Entrepreneurship

  • Leading The "Boundaries First" Way

  • Boundaries in Business: A myth?

  • The New Workplace: How to lead your team effectively and compassionately.

  • Git 'Er Done! Creating boundaries for better time management.

  • An Engaged Team: Using boundaries and consent in the workplace to create happier, more productive teams.

Boundaries In Dating & Attraction

  • Start with No: Dating with healthy boundaries

  • The Sweet Spot: A radical new way to look at love and co-creating your most amazing relationship yet

  • Boundaries are Sexy AF!

  • Boundaries AFTER the Breakup

  • Stop Oversharing: Have the RIGHT conversations at the right times.

  • Gaslighting, Manipulation & Scunnery of the Worst Sorts.

  • Breaking the Control-Or-Be-Controlled Relationship Cycle

  • Emotional Intimacy & Boundaries: How to get it just right.

  • Get Rejected MORE Often (And Do It Right!)

  • They May Be Right: Doesn't Mean They Are Right FOR You.

  • Moving the F*ck On (from a bad breakup a broken heart, getting stood up, lied to, whatever).

  • How do you screen for partners for play, dating, or love? The answer is never "Lower your standards."

  • You're probably overthinking dating. There, I said it.

  • Mixed Signals? Do yourself a favor and take that as a NO.

Boundaries In Money & Finances

  • Material Boundaries: Stuff. Money. Things!

  • I Feel Used: Five critical tips to never be taken advantage of again.

  • Cohabitating! The seven most critical boundaries to set BEFORE you move in.

  • Love & Money: How to merge finances in the best way for YOUR relationship.

Boundaries In Time Management & Overwhelm

  • Time Blocks: The four types of time boundaries and how to use them to end overwhelm.

  • Time for Love: How does love fit into a busy life, and what can you do to make room for what's important?

  • Workaholics Anonymous!

  • When Work Takes Over: Reclaim your life!

  • Sleep! That's what I want! How a few tips and setting boundaries can help you get more and better rest.

Boundaries In Fitness, Wellness, & Body Image

  • Making Time For You: Planning for success!

  • Recovering Yourself

  • Don't Say Fat: How we speak to ourselves about our bodies—and how we allow others, too.

Start With No Dating Book

In February 2024, I released my new book Start With No: For those who give too much—a new plan for dating. It is a short book, tackling just one challenge many daters have. It's designed to be read and put to use within an hour or so.

In the book, I talk about my own journey, share how Pick-Up Artists learn to get what they want, and how to be immune to their manipulations.

Image Assets for Start With No Dating

  • Start with No: Dating with healthy boundaries

  • What IS toxic, anyway?

  • The Sweet Spot: A radical new way to look at love and co-creating your most amazing relationship yet

  • Boundaries are Sexy AF!

  • Boundaries AFTER the Breakup

  • Stop Oversharing: Have the RIGHT conversations at the right times.

  • Have you ever wondered, “Am I being used?”

  • Gaslighting, Manipulation & Scunnery of the Worst Sorts.

  • Breaking the Control-Or-Be-Controlled Relationship Cycle

  • Are you really terrible at relationships, or do you just sleep with assholes?

  • Emotional Intimacy & Boundaries: How to get it just right.

  • Get Rejected MORE Often (And Do It Right!)

  • They May Be Right: Doesn't Mean They Are Right FOR You.

  • Moving the F*ck On (from a bad breakup a broken heart, getting stood up, lied to, whatever).

  • How do you screen for partners for play, dating, or love? The answer is never "Lower your standards."

  • You're probably overthinking dating. There, I said it.

  • Mixed Signals? Do yourself a favor and take that as a NO.

  • Filling Each Other Up:

    Creating a relationship of abundance.

  • Negotiation: A powerful tool for happy and healthy relationships

  • "Is it possible to have a healthy & fulfilling relationship with a narcissist?” You’re asking the wrong question!

  • The Ultimatum: How stating boundaries with consequences cripples our relationships.

  • The Sweet Spot: A radical new way to look at love and co-creating your most amazing relationship yet

  • Love Bombing: What if it's not at all what you think and it's actually pretty easy to resist?

  • Stop Begging! Get what you want and need in your relationships.

  • You don't own me. Healthy boundaries in relationships

  • Need or Needy? Healthy boundaries are the answer

  • The Prime Directive: Boundaries in Relationships

  • Well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions! Healthy boundaries in relationships.

  • What is YOU in a relationship? (A Basic Primer on Relationship Boundaries)

  • Covert Contracts are Ruining Your Relationships!

  • Boundaries AFTER the Breakup

  • When (not if) they lie: Lies & Lying in Relationships

  • LCP (Low Conflict People) In Relationships

  • The Empath and the Narcissist: A Tragedy Rewritten By Boundaries

  • Breaking the Control-Or-Be-Controlled Relationship Cycle

  • The Slippery Slope of Compromise
    (and A Better Option)

  • Emotional Intimacy & Boundaries: How to get it just right.

  • The subtle control of disapproval…

People Pleaser No More! Book,
Workbook, & Workshop

In March of 2023, I completed and published my next book People Pleaser No More! Reclaim Your Life And Relationships By Putting Yourself First—Without Guilt! This is the next book breaking boundaries down into smaller chunks for faster success.

When I was doing my research for Take No Sh*t, interviewing over 100 people about their boundaries journeys, one phrase I kept hearing over and over and over again was, "I'm just a people-pleaser."

One day, I decided to do a bit of digging, and discovered that a survey found that 50 percent of people identify as 'probably' or 'definitely' people-pleasers. Thirty-seven percent say that people-pleasing has negatively impacted their lives and relationships.

Since then, I've created a People Pleaser No More! Workbook & Journal and the 30 Days to End People-Pleasing Workshop.

Image Assets for People Pleaser No More!
& People Pleaser No More! Workbook & Journal

  • Start Small: CRUSH your people-pleasing with tiny rebellions.

  • The Soft No: Stepping softly into saying no more often.

  • Do What Works: Something is not working for you now. Do something else!

  • Who is your BEST You: How honoring your strengths creates healthier boundaries.

  • No amount of pleasing will ever be enough.

  • Are you a people-pleaser? Let's look at the signs!

Fight Less, Love More Book

In April of 2024, I completed a new book, Fight Less, Love More: Simple steps to transform tension into togetherness.

This book is a summary of all I wish I'd known through the years of my abusive marriage, and the many relationships I've had before and since.

Image Assets for Fight Less, Love More

  • Fight Less, Love More: Reduce or eliminate fighting in your relationships.

  • What is a fight, anyway?

  • Fighting too much? First, focus on you.

  • "Don't go to bed angry," and other craptastic relationship advice.

  • What IS toxic, anyway?

  • Covert Contracts are Ruining Your Relationships!

  • Hot Take: Communication does not fix things. Here's what does.

  • Tools to Tame the Tension: Top 7 techniques to reduce fighting in your relationships.

  • My Deepest Apologies: How and when to apologize in your relationships.

  • Fighting Sucks! Fixing it doesn't have to.

  • Is the such a thing as healthy fighting?

  • “I love you, so why do we fight so much?”

  • Your Power, Their Power: Understanding the power struggle in relationships

  • Fluent in Each Other: Bridge the communication gap in your relationships

  • How do you fight? Your 'fight language' and how it may be creating more conflict in your relationships.

  • "Let's talk compromise!" Thanks, I hate it.

  • The Sweet Spot: A radical new way to look at love and co-creating your most amazing relationship yet


You want MORE out of your love, sex, romance-everything.

You're curiouser.

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