Community Guidelines

Curiouser.Life is for you (yes, you), and it’s up to you to make it the safe(r), fun, growth-oriented place you want it to be! Here are some pointers for all you curious-er folks out there:

We are committed...

These community guidelines apply to Curiouser.Life and all online spaces we host and/or moderate. That includes, but is not limited to:

  • Social Media Pages

  • Social Media Groups

  • Social Media Comments

  • Heather, aka Nookie's Personal Social Spaces

What this means is that while we will do our best to connect and communicate and to warn people and let them know when they are bumping up against these policies, we will happily block anyone who feels that making others miserable or less-safe is OK.

Safe(r) Space

Curiouser.Life is intended to be a safe(r) space for everyone.

Curiouser.Life is not a SAFE SPACE.

We are a safe(r) space, and do our best to:

  • Eradicate hate speech

  • Focus on consent

  • Respond to reports and concerns

  • Note which thoughts and ideas might potentially trigger people and cause harm, and ask for those things to be modified in some way.

Adults, Y'all!

By using this site (or any other Curiouser.Life related sites, like our coaching platfom, educational events, or Discord server) in any way, you assert and agree that you are at least 18 years of age (or are at least 13 years of age, attending with a legal guardian in supervision), and legal to view sexual content (in those specific products and programs).

Play Nice

We want all y’all to have a good time here, so let’s be polite and respectful to everyone, alrighty?

  • Be polite. Be kind, thoughtful, and considerate in your interactions with fellow members. If you have an issue with another member, or any posted content, please report it (all content and profiles have easy-to-use reporting features), and we’ll do our best to resolve it.

  • Recognize the good work other members are doing with a simple please and thank you. Everyone loves a good pat on the back, after all!

  • It’s easy to misinterpret things online, so let’s not assume bad intentions: some of them will think differently than you; or English might not be their first language; or their kid will have spilled a glass of milk on the cat a second ago; or they might not understand the particular nuances with which you speak. Or…who knows? A willingness to forgive will go a long way, especially when directed towards new members who might not yet have fully learned what effects their actions have on others.

  • If you spot something not-so-nice going on in Curiouser.Life or any online spaces we host and/or moderate, please do your part and report it. Seriously. Even if it may be nothing. We’d rather know than not know.

  • “Hey, c’mon. Play fair!” Remember that nagging voice of your childhood best friend when someone cheated? Well, it was for a good reason. Creating multiple accounts, spamming, posting duplicates or nonsense answers are forms of cheating the community. Please don’t do it. We are not about points or winning, so let’s put helping each other make connections at the top of the list.

Share That Know-How

Everyone has a little Einstein in them, so there’s a good chance someone could use your knowledge, opinion or experience. Don’t be shy to add to a discussion. Just make sure it’s something that hasn’t been posted before – duplicates make things a little harder to sift through.

Recognize Brilliance

See a great post? Say so with a comment. Please give credit where it’s due. If sharing work that’s not your own, please give credit and a link. You’d want the same done for you.

Be a Straight Shooter

Like mama always said, honesty is the best policy. Please don’t misrepresent stuff (like your identity or credentials). Authenticity is the name of the game here. Don’t be too shy to ask tough questions or reward the honesty of others.

As long as you keep things respectful, everything should be sunshine and lollipops. Maybe even rainbows and unicorn glitter farts.

Keep Private Stuff Private

To avoid having to repost a question (because we’ll delete it), keep personal information, like your phone number, birthday, website, email and home address to yourself. Some things are just meant to be handled one-on-one, you know?

Email account-related issues to us instead of posting them in the Community to keep your info safe and private.

We do what we can to remove content with private information. If you happen to see any being posted, please do your part and let us know with a quick report. It could help save someone a bunch of trouble!

Keep Curiouser Stuff Private

Curiouser.Life is a space for you to share and explore parts of you that you might not be willing to share on other social sites.

Or with family members.

Or with your co-workers/boss.

So, we ask that you respect that others also wish for privacy. In that spirit: Don’t share things from Curiouser.Life chat without asking.

Even if things are publicly accessible (like videos or blogs or twitter screenshots of a personal account), it’s good form to ask about sharing first, just in case.

Exceptions: Anything posted by Curiouser.Life or the Curiouser Team publicly, or non-specific memes shared across the internet. Feel free to share content, like in “Overheard on Curiouser” anonymously. Better, ask the person you’re quoting if they’d like to be credited, and how!

Getting the Most out of the Community

There’s a handful of ways you can contribute to and benefit from the Community. Read on for some great tips on everything from getting quick answers to gaining cred. They might just blow your mind…or at the very least, expand it slightly.


  • Ask questions with as much accuracy and detail as possible.

  • Relevant and clear titles are key. It makes it way easier for others with the same question to find and you’ll get a quicker answer. Woo hoo!

  • Include any relevant search results you’ve come across. The magic word is “relevant” – links to Literal Videos: Total Eclipse of the Heart and Sloth Dubstep won’t really help most people.


  • Do your best to be clear and concise and stay on topic. If it helps, eat a snickers beforehand (just kidding…kind of).

  • Avoid duplicate answers to keep things clear and uncluttered for everyone. Avoid duplicate answers to keep things clear and uncluttered for everyone. Avoid duplicate answers to keep things clear and uncluttered for everyone.

  • Don’t guess. This isn’t Jeopardy!, so there’s no shame in not knowing the answer. Posting incorrect information or fantasy wank material makes things harder for others to find their own place in the community.

  • Play nice. If someone gets a tad nasty, feel free to leave a friendly reminder that we’re all here to help each other. If it gets out of hand, please send a report!

Naughty Stuff (Reporting a No-No)

You’re our eyes and ears! If you think a member isn’t following the Community guidelines, report them!


Everyone deserves a second chance, but please don’t push us! To keep our Curiouser.Life amazing, we won’t hesitate to remove you if you’re being a jerk and intentionally breaking the rules. Although we’re pretty sure 99.9999999% of you aren’t going to do that, please report it if you do happen to see any no-nos.

Disrespectful or Hateful Comments

“You smell and your hair looks fat!” Well no, that’s not true, but just proving a point – it doesn’t feel too great to be talked to like that, right? That’s why we have a zero-tolerance policy for attacks on other members. That includes attacks based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We don’t have to sing Kumbaya but, you know, just be cool.

Bullying, Trolling or Harassment

A disagreement isn’t a good excuse for bad manners. It’s okay to debate respectfully – let’s work together to resolve conflict and understand each other.

Helping make Curiouser.Life better will make you feel all warm and fuzzy, trust us.

Heckling, badgering and continuing to talk to people after they’ve expressed that they don’t want to talk to you is just another kind of harassment: don’t do it.

Bad Language

Let’s keep the ****ing potty mouth out of it, including abbreviations or scrambled words (e.g., f*** you, fcuk). Just kidding!

We don’t mind colorful language used in moderation and we LOVE euphemisms and creative wording.


High-quality answers make the Community more helpful, so don’t post duplicate questions and answers, solicitations, off-topic content and random gibberish.


See, it doesn’t help.

Banning Members

  • Curiouser.Life reserves the right to ban any member for any reason.

  • Curiouser.Life reserves the right to delete and archive any content.

  • Curiouser.Life reserves the right to remove the Community at any time.

  • Members with more than one account can be banned.


Posting anything that infringes on the law, copyrights or registered trademarks isn’t allowed.

The same goes for tricking people into sharing personal information.

This includes things that are illegal where we are, even if they are legal where you are and vice versa, at our and our legal counsel’s discretion.

This is to protect ALL of our member and clients, we are sure you can appreciate that.

More on this in our Terms & Conditions.

Anything Illegal

Curiouser.Life is not responsible for the answers provided by community members, including owners, moderators, clients, representatives and employees.


  • Curiouser.Life reserves the right to withhold information.

  • Curiouser.Life reserves the right to share information with the authorities, especially in pursuit of protecting our members.

  • Curiouser.Life is not responsible for any personal information on public community pages.


Curiouser.Life reserves the right to change and update the guidelines and rules in order to maintain the community’s effectiveness.

Team Decisions

Curiouser.Life and the Curiouser Team has the final say on things, but if something you post gets removed without warning, we’ll share the reason with you, if you ask. Creating threads or content that question or reference potential or past administrative decisions are not permitted. If you have a concern, you can let us know directly. Posting publicly on the community just causes trouble and is less efficient at resolving problems.

We reserve the right to remove content that:

  • is considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others.

  • is racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, abusive or otherwise objectionable. breaks the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court. advertises products or services for profit or gain.

  • is seen to impersonate someone else. includes contact details such as phone numbers, postal or email addresses. contains links to other websites which break our editorial guidelines. describes or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others.

  • is considered to be ‘spam’, that is content containing the same, or similar, message posted multiple times.

  • is considered to be off-topic for the particular topic.

Customer Service Policy

Curiouser.Life is growing. And as a startup business, we have a LOT going on.

With writing and illustrating books, hosting workshops, and coaching fantastic humans, there are PLENTY of reasons you may want to contact us.

And that’s great! We LOVE to heard from you, and we LOVE the opportunity to fix things when we can.

So, thank you for being open to telling us what’s going wrong, how we can do better, give us kudos, whatever.

There is something I don’t love, though, and I’m going to tell you about it.

I don’t love when people are abusive to me or my staff.

Don’t be a jerk. If/when you are, we will cut you off.

That is my customer service policy in a nutshell.

Want more detail? Sure, happy to clarify.

Look, people online—especially people acting anonymously, but not ONLY them—can be jerks. I know this. I’ve been working and playing online since 1994.

And I’ve got a pretty thick skin.

However, I’m running a site dedicated helping you be not only your most authentic self, but the best version of that authentic self you can be, and the one that connects with other people in positive and fulfilling ways. I like to think I'm doing my small part to make the world a better place.

Jerks are not a part of that vision, as I outline clearly in the rest of these Community Guidelines.

So, don’t be a jerk.

Keep in mind that the person on the other end of your message is a human, too. For example, in the past few years, we have collectively:

  • Gotten COVID 5 times

  • Had four major surgeries in 9 months.

  • Lost a grandmother.

  • Started going through menopause.

  • Got mono.

  • Lost a pet.

  • Broke a toe.

  • Broke up with a partner.

You see? Humans, JUST LIKE YOU. And there is more to it than that.

We absolutely want you to have the best experience possible. That’s our goal. Hell, it’s why I started all this to begin with. Because a lot of the advice-givers I see out there selling you stuff are shite.

Just realize that sometimes, no matter how hard we might be working or trying to fix something, it’s just NOT happening. You can still be kind to the person on the other end of the internet.

And we’ll be kind and friendly and helpful to you, even when you’re shitty to us, for as long as we can.

And when we can’t we’ll cut you off.

We’ll tell you we’re cutting you off, and we’ll stop responding.

We may hand you over to someone else on the team, because we are about to blow (maybe it’s NOT even you…).

We may refund anything/everything you’ve paid, or just not reply if we don't owe you anything—allow you to sort yourself out.

And no, we won’t hold a grudge.

If you write back another time and you are kind, we will be, too.

We all know what it’s like to have craptaculous days, and to regret being awful to people.

And that’s my promise—our promise—to you. And Curiouser.Life's Customer Service Policy.

If you don’t feel that you can abide by our Community Guidelines as outlined above…

…maybe Curiouser.Life isn’t for you. We’ve crafted these guidelines to ensure that everyone within the Curiouser community has a good time.

Updated & Revised
August 6, 2024


You want MORE out of your love, sex, romance-everything.

You're curiouser.

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101 Hamilton Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27517

+1-855-712-5433 (toll-free)

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[email protected]

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10th Cloud, Inc.