Take No Sh*t, The Book

Take No Sh*t, the book

Take No Sh*t! Build better relationships through discovering, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in three (sometimes five) simple steps.
Take No Sh*t! Build better relationships through discovering, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in three (sometimes five) simple steps.  

I officially started this book in August 2022, as a passion project—a gift I gave to myself for my birthday. 

I started by writing the book live with over 100 people following along and sharing feedback and questions and ideas, and had NO IDEA how much the creation would affect my life. 

Want a sample? It's 100% FREE to download, with NO email or sign up!

Of course, I'm hoping you'll LOVE the book and want to know more, so there are links in the book back to this page, so you can find/follow me and get updates about new versions and my other books.
Take No Sh*t! Build better relationships through discovering, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in three (sometimes five) simple steps.
What about audio? I'm working on it. I'm recording the book myself, and I'm using ElevenLabs' text-to-speech and speech-to-speech to help the sample conversation dialog really stand out! 

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