Share Take No Sh*t!


Want to help spread the word about Take No Sh*t! and building better boundaries? 

Here are some images and text to get you started—mix and match or create your own.*tns_cover_2023_multi*png?alt=media&token=fa71c5d0-87f9-47ba-a7f1-18e3466bd986
I'm reading about emotional boundaries in Take No Sh*t! I got some work to do. But this is a good first step! 🤣🤣🤣
Cuppa Image — Wide
I'm reading about emotional boundaries in Take No Sh*t! I got some work to do. But this is a good first step! 🤣🤣🤣
Cuppa Image — Wide
Cuppa Image — Square
Cuppa Image — Tall
Cuppa Image — Tall2