Chase him down!

🔥🔥 Hot Take / Rant 🔥🔥 Ask Him Out!

October 17, 2024•1 min read

Someone posted on social media:

I see many conversations around woman not wanting to make the first move. To this I say: Dial his number, send that text, shoot your shot, and see what's up. It's ok to let him know that you're interested.

Let's be honest, that often doesn't work. Depends on the man.

I was curious once, so I did a very unscientific study, where I had two accounts on a dating app, exactly the same wording, different pics (but all recognizable as ME if someone saw both accounts).

On one account, I allowed men to approach me. On the other, I only interacted with men I approached.

While ALL of the men I approached first expressed that they were happily surprised and flattered, I got zero dates from that account, They lost interest, flaked, etc.

(Being real, "funny" images like the one I chose here and the idea that many people spread that women are desperate to "catch" a man might be part of the reason...)

On the other account, I got my usual number of first dates, which at that time was fairly high. Something around 10-15 in that month.

I changed NOTHING except the approach.

So, yeah.

It's not that it's not possible that it will work, but from my experience (and the experience of MANY online), it's far less probable.

That said, it only takes the one, right?

So, ultimately, do what feels right for you, and find the person that fits that, because when it comes right down to it, if you like to make the moves, you want a partner who LOVES you making the moves!

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